Below is a list of workouts and nutritional components for our spring. Please look at the Finished Copy first. The ideal thing is to go through and follow everything perfectly, but that will probably not be the case for most of you including even myself. I would encourage you to sit down a read the program threw for about 15 minutes. Pick through some of the items that might work best in your situation. There is a chart where you can mark your progress.
Why do these workouts? You do these workouts to prepare. In this pandemic we are all living through now, no matter how unforeseen these circumstances were, we were ill prepared to handle our current situation and we have been playing catch up ever since. We do not want to be ill prepared for our season. We want to be in the best possible condition given our circumstances. We do this through discipline, commitment, and the idea that we will get through this. We are preparing for that moment.
Most of these workouts are done without weights. A few are done with dumbbells. Give a few of these exercises a consistent. 3 to 4 sets...anywhere between 5-15 reps depending on exercise.